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E3 Wins Contract to Support Fortune 50 Company

E3 is proud to announce our support of a Fortune 50-rated company with capture management and bid & proposal services and solutions. "Since our founding in 2015, we have worked tirelessly with small, mid-size, and large organizations, helping them increase their foothold in the increasingly competitive federal market," Etta Edwards, CEO of E3 stated. Our focus on client outcomes and our attention to detail have helped catapult E3 to a new chapter in our history. I am so proud of our team to have gotten us to this point. We still have much more work to do, and I expect our growth to continue as we bring our Effectiveness and Efficiency Expertise to the government and partners."

Founded in 2015, E3 is an EDWOSB and WOSB supporting effective and efficient solutions in the federal government and partners. We have helped our clients close over a billion dollars and counting in top line revenue, and our solutions scale based on need for round-the-clock or surge support.

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